
Archive for the ‘RunRhondaRun’ Category

So I have been flirting with the idea of seeing a chiropractor. To be honest, the thought of someone adjusted/cracking my back scared the shit out of me! I immediately thought something bad would happen because I couldn’t relax.

Then after months of a friend of mine recommending this kinesiologist/chiropractor, I began to gain some interest. Then after my husband going for his second visit to him, I really became interested!

I recently started having some stomach issues for the past few months. I did what I normally do when something is off, try to do the most natural cure. I have been taking probiotics for over a month & half now. Still had the discomfort in my stomach. Then after my husband’s second appt with the chiropractor, I decided to make an appt for myself.

So first off here is a little background on kinesiology. I immediately started feeling skeptical! I mean, really?!?

What is Applied Kinesiology . . .

Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a specialty in Chiropractic that evaluates chemical, structural and mental/emotional aspects of health using manual muscle testing with other forms of diagnosis. It is a non-invasive method for evaluating body function that is a unique and powerful tool in the correction of imbalances and pathologies in the body. Treatments may involve specific joint manipulation, cranial respiratory techniques, myofascial release, acupuncture meridian therapy, emotional release and processing techniques(NET, Bach and other flower therapies), nutritional counseling, dietary management, allergy testing, general toxicity screening and detoxification among many other things. AK is particularly valuable in finding the cause of “Functional Problems” that have not been able to be identified, diagnosed or corrected with conventional methods of care. Because of its specificity it can help to determine the cause of the very real problem the patient is experiencing and provide the tools to effectively manage or correct the condition(s) and bring a person back into balance with their environment.

So I go to my first appointment. After spending a few minutes in the reception area, smelling the patchouli oil, I thought this was a little hocus pocus!

So Dr Bach took me in the room, asked a bunch of questions about my health. Some in depth, some really odd. With my stomach issues, he asked if I have been feeling a little anxious for no reason, yes I have. Shortness of breath, yes. A couple other questions, then he mentioned he knows what it is. What??? Hiatus hernia. What the heck is that? Pretty much means that my stomach was under my diaphragm. This was causing my stomach discomfort and issues.

So how did he help me? Well this was the interesting part. I stood against a wall did a couple breathing exercises and then he pulled my stomach down! Well not exactly, just moved it back down to its normal spot. He told me I should have the feeling as if someone punched me in the stomach. Boy did I!
I cried! I think it’s because that was the first time I felt good…normal.

Again, such a weird experience. To have someone just read your body.

I go back in a week to get adjusted again, then off to Dr Bach working on my gait, form. I am kind of excited.

Check out this video. This is pretty much the same that Dr Bach did to me. It’s kind of funny. 🙂

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Bummed little runner

So I wasn’t going to post about this, but realized it affected my running week.

Earlier this week, I found out my good friend was not going to join me for my first marathon in January at Miami ING. It immediately made me sad, to the point where I was thinking of not doing the marathon. 😦

My husband says he doesn’t really have an interest to run a distance like that. So I knew it would just be me. Alone. Again, very sad.

My week wasn’t one of the greatest running weeks. I think I was just bummed out.

Then after a nice seven mile run with my husband Saturday through downtown St Pete, my husband & I talked. He said he would continue to train with me & see if he changes his mind about the full marathon. I then felt excited and encouraged again! I don’t know what it is lately, but I just need a partner. The ones to hang by you, encourage you, keeps you moving on! We all need one!

So we will see if my husband signs up for ING marathon. For now, I will enjoy the training with him beside me. 😀


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Lace it up

So I have noticed with the more mileage I am adding in my training little things concern me. For example, my shoes will be too tight, too loose, your legs or arms start chaffing, etc.

All those concerns and more are easy fixes.

I found a really neat site to help with the too loose or too tight shoes. I notice with my running lately my heel will slip or too much pressure on the arch of my foot. Well have no fear! Here are a couple tips.


I tried the gap lacing to relieve the pressure in my arch. Then the lock lacing to prevent heel slippage.

Always make sure you have the right shoe fit! You should go to a specialty running store to have someone fit you.

Hope this helps! It has for me!

Happy running!


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Some runners don’t like hill running because it’s, well, hard. But running hills provides a lot of benefits to runners, so don’t shy away from them. Here are some of the ways you can benefit from hill running:

You’ll build strength.
Running inclines, either on a hill outdoors or on a treadmill, is a form of resistance training that builds up the muscles in your calves, quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Hill running strengthens those areas more than running on flat ground. You’ll also strengthen your hip flexors and Achilles tendons.
You’ll get faster.
The muscles you’ll use to run up hills are the same ones used for sprinting, so the strength you build will improve your speed.
You won’t get bored.
If you’re used to running on mostly flat courses, adding hills to your routines can help prevent boredom.
You’ll reduce your risk of injuries.
As you strengthen your leg muscles through hill running, you considerably reduce the risk of suffering from running-related injuries.
You’ll strengthen your upper body.
Uphill running forces you to drive your arms harder than you do when running on flat ground, so you’ll improve your upper body strength.
You’ll build confidence.
The more you run hills, the less intimidating they’ll seem when you encounter them on a race course. Your improved strength and technique on the hills will definitely give you a confidence boost when you’re racing.

Here is some hill workouts I found:
10-Second Hill Sprints

At the end of a 20- to 40-minute easy run, find a steep hill (six to eight percent grade). Run two 10-second repeats. Add one repeat per week until you reach eight. Do the first repeat at a fast but controlled pace; the rest at top speed. Recover after each repeat for at least two minutes by walking downhill backward. Stay at eight repeats for two to four weeks, then take two weeks off from hill running before starting the cycle again.

Longer Hill Repeats

Every two or three weeks, replace your weekly hill sprints with this workout: 20 to 40 minutes of easy running, finishing at a medium-steep slope (five to six percent grade). Do 4 x 30-second hill repeats at the fastest pace that you can maintain good form, gradually progressing to 60-, then 90-, then 120-second repeats. Walk downhill after each repetition for a total rest of at least two minutes.

Uphill Tempo

Schedule a four-week block about 10 weeks before your target race for this series of challenging tempo runs. Do a one- to two-mile warmup before each workout. Week one: Run uphill (on a three or four percent grade) for 20 minutes at a moderate pace. Week two: Increase the tempo time to 30 minutes at a moderate pace. Week three: Pull back to 20 minutes, but increase your pace to a speed that’s hard but you’re (pretty) sure you can hold. Week four: Hold that hard pace for 30 minutes. No long hills nearby? Break the tempo time into 10- and 15-minute segments, or use a treadmill.

Hill Training Tips
Start with an easy 15 minute warmup on rolling hills
Take your time. Do not exceed your training level.
Good hill running form Run with a slightly higher knee lift
Pump arms viourously
Lean slightly forward
Keep head up
Cool down with a 15 minute jog on level or gently rolling ground.
Jog slowly on each decent.
If you want to run hills on a treadmill, for each change in altitude, run at a 8 percent incline for 90 to 90 seconds with 2 minutes flat recovery jogs.
Do not hill train when you are injured

I recommend only doing this once a week!


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Happy running

There are things in life that just make you do happy…getting married, having a baby, getting a new job, retirement are the obvious examples. Then there are those little moments in life, that make your day, week, month or whatever. I get that from running. With me, I get that happy feeling from running.

I really do! Well most of the time. There are those runs that are tough/bad. We all get them and shouldn’t let it discourage us because you know you are bond to get that awesome run!

I have to say since I started running, a little over a year, I noticed change. Not only in my appearance but in myself too. I notice I am a lot happier! Ad cheesy as it sounds, I have turned into one of those happy runners!


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Comfort zone

We all have that comfort zone that we happen to fall into from time to time. Like I said before, running is hard. There are only a few elite people that can pick up running like its no big deal.

As for the rest of us, we have to work our butts off! It’s a very tough challenge. I promise you the pay off is totally worth it.

Back to that comfort zone. It’s so much easier to stick with the light jogs but there are days you need to push yourself. Step out of that comfort zone.

I have been adding some sprint work into my runs. It seems to help me get a little faster. My first half marathon I finished in 2 hours and 36 mins. Then with my second half a few months later along with some sprint work, I finished in 2 hours and 26 mins!

Sprint work can come in different forms. From suicide drills, which are incredibly tough to interval training. Those are more of a gradual increase.

I have found the following chart to help out on sprint works:

Time Speed (mpr) Incline (%) Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE)
00:00-05:00 3.0 1 1-3
05:00-09:00 5.0 1 4-7
09:00-10:00 6.0 1 8-10
10:00-14:00 5.0 1 4-7
14:00-15:00 6.5 1 8-10
15:00-19:00 5.0 1 4-7
19:00-21:00 7.0 1 8-10
21:00-25:00 5.0 1 4-7
25:00-30:00 3.0 1 1-3
Fit’s Tip: If this is too easy or too hard, just adjust the speed to fit your level. If you want to do this workout while running outside, then use the RPE column to determine how fast you should be going.

This should definitely work on getting you out of your comfort zone. I say at first to do sprint work in whatever form every other week. Also, do not mix long runs with sprint work outs. Sprint work outs should be toward the beginning of the week. Then ending the week with your longer run. Try to remember when increasing your mileage to only go up 10%. This will prevent injury. 🙂

Hope this helps! It does for me! Happy running!!


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Don’t give up!

So I was watching the Olympics last night and this Nike commercial came on. I don’t know what it is, but their commercials just keep getting better! Always seem to have a way to connect You!

Of course I have to share it. 🙂

“we are all capable of it! All of us!” That is so right! You are great to just get up and go! Don’t give up!


Makes me think about training. I’ll admit, it’s Hard! It doesn’t get easier, you just get stronger! We all have the laundry list of excuses: too early together up, too late to go for a run, I didn’t get enough sleep, I didn’t eat enough, I am too tired, I don’t know if I am ready, I am not fast enough, I will start tomorrow….all excuses. Just do it! Do it for you! You will thank yourself, I promise.


Have a happy running week, or whatever you do out there, just do it! 🙂


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you can do this

Ok, maybe that isn’t quite me, but Saturday I sure as hell felt like an Iron woman! lol 🙂

Friday was really nice. My friends Kristen & Holly invited me to spend the day at Clearwater beach. I must say, that was such a good idea before my Triathlon Sat. We ended up spending most of the day there. Which is a little usual for me, since normally I would spend just a couple hours at the beach. I will have to remember keeping calm & doing a beach day before any other race.

Kristen & I (Clearwater beach)

When I got home, Mark & I went to do packet pick up. My nerves were surprisingly still pretty calm! We picked up some pizza & went home to pack up for the morning.

Saturday morning at 4am came along so fast! Mark & I woke up feeling really excited. We did our normal routine of breakfast & hydrating up.

It was around 5:30 when we arrived down at the race. We had to get numbered, then put our bikes & gear into transition. My nerves, still felt pretty calm. I felt really good & excited!

We then met up with a couple of other friends. Some were participating, others just came to watch. Good vibes all around.

Walking up to the start

Kristen on the left & her husband Jason on the right. They both have been a huge help during our training for our first Triathlon. Kristen & Jason are both half Ironman athletes!

Got our game face on.

I am on the right, bikini top coming out of swim. The douche bag male age group 20-25 was behind me! They were not the nicest swimmers! 😦

In transition, I realized that someone took my spot. Wish there was video, bc my reaction was, “Someone took my spot for my bike!” lol

Mark, Kristen & Jason realize I am coming up on finish. I guess Mark was shocked! So wasn’t I.

And…here comes the emotion. Such an incredible feeling! It’s definitely up there with getting married!

All that hard work pays off, she finishes!

This Triathlon was truly a great experience. I must say I was a little bummed at first that not many people at work made a comment about my Triathlon. Then Mark mentioned, “Well, you did it for yourself, not them. That’s one of the reasons I like it so much. On race day, it comes down to you, no one else. Sure the group workouts, advice, and support from friends help, but you’re basically left to finish on your own. Getting across the finish line is your accomplishment.” That is exactly right, I did this for ME!

Next Triathlon is the Suncoast Triathlon in Ft DeSoto again. I think Mark might do one in Sept. I also start my half & full marathon training next week. I feel fall coming!!!

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So I am getting pretty excited that in less than two days I will be doing my first Triathlon! Surprisingly, I am not nervous. It must be the training & preparation we have done to get here.

Mark said he didn’t sleep too well last night. He said he kept waking up in the middle of the night, thinking about what he needed to remember to bring to the race. Hopefully we will not be like that tomorrow night! We are getting up around 3am Sat! Times have changed!

Some people have their “things” they like to bring to a triathlon, that can get out of control. I guess whatever works for you, then do it! For myself, I am going to bring as little as possible. Some of our friends who do triathlons mentioned sometimes the more you bring will add more time in transition.

I think I am going to work on bringing the following:

My Tri suit, which is a tri sports bra & tri shorts
Swim cap (found out my age group is PINK!)
Goggles/ear plugs

Hand towel
Water bottle & gels
My Bike of course/helmet/sunglasses
Socks/running shoes

Running hat
Race bib belt

My personal goal is to finish in less than two hours. If something happens to where it’s longer than that, I will be fine. I just want to finish!

So tonight I am going to do a few mile easy run then tomorrow relax at the beach! Might have to do this in prep for all my races! 🙂


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The times have changed

It’s funny how some things have changed in such a short amount of time. For the better of course!

My life used to consist of, pretty much partying! Sometimes I felt like it was easier to keep in shape dancing & drinking!



The hangovers were Never fun! Now I can barely handle drinking!




Now life seems to consist of going to bed early, getting up early, eating right, swim/bike/run! I think the trade off is a little better. 🙂







Six more days!

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